
Multi Reactor


5 in stock

Producer: PACIFIC SUN SP. Z O.O., 84-230 Reda, Poland, ul. Ogrodników 22B, e-mail: sales@pacific-sun.eu, telephone: +48 58 778 17 17


Previous lowest price was 176.00.

This multi reactor was made with outstanding quality, made from cast acrylic sheets and pipes. Smooth edges cutted by lasers, engraved top covers. Easy/quick openning, foam for very small media(like resin).
Perfect for: carbon, GFO, pellets, resin and all other media(like Siporax, sponge, nitrate removerts etc)
Free movable plates with sponges inside reactor allow to use 3 different media in one reactor.

100% made in Poland, EU.

The multi reator is available in two models/sizes :

MR 11040
Capacity: 3.5L
Size: 160x170x480mm
Connection hoses: 20mm

EAN: 5906660606932

MR 15040
Capacity: 7L
Size: 200x210x550mm
Connection hoses: 20mm

EAN: 5906660606949

Check also this product – https://pacific-sun.eu/shop/filtration-2/filtration/algae-reactor/
Facebook profile – https://www.facebook.com/PacificSunEU

*Products can looks little different than on photos when upgrades in design will be done.

SKU: N/A Category:
Weight N/A

Multi Reactor MR 11040, Multi Reactor MR 15040

